Tell Me What Is Real (through Seeing, through You)

Video stills – Story #1, Duration:5min.

Video installation
HD video, steel furniture, printed silk curtain, feather, bottles, drypoint prints
dimensions variable





One day I lost sleep. I started to see things. Those visions must have been a part of a symptom, however real and actual to my eyes. The ordinary scene, the passing of time, the sky, the traces of people’s everyday tasks – transformed themselves and emerged as something significantly meaningful and miraculous. 

The initial making of this work was a process to understand this experience. 

How can one reframe and own one’s experience, when it is objectified and addressed as false/nonexistent/unreal? How can such an experience be individual and be own, in which the right of the meaning only belongs to the person in concern?

The main element of this work is story-telling of one’s subjective reality. Stories were collected through interviews with different individuals who had had experiences that are often described as visionary, delusional or mystical. Out of which, three stories are told in videos which serve as metaphor and fictional replication of interview videos. The voices and faces of the interviewed persons are replaced: the faces with one’s favorite bottled drinks, the voices with ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) sounds of one’s choice. The video is shown as a part of an installation which addresses the invisible / intangible / immaterial through its materiality.

Video stills – Story #3, Duration:7min.